
i./ broadcasts & simulcasts

field notes from kapiti : 3 unprocessed field recordings broadcast on the radio show 'avant gardening', radio one 91FM, dunedin, sunday 1 april, 2012.

'gull lines, at a slope of conduction (for waiorua shoreline, violin and shortwave)' : broadcast on the project radio station of Time Inventors Kabinet (TIK) festival of ecological media arts, Brussels, 11-13 may 2012.

'radio d'oiseaux (kokako variations)' : broadcast across the international radia network, 28 may - 3 june, 2012.

interview with lynn freeman : included excerpts of field recordings, broadcast on 'The Arts on Sunday' programme, Radio New Zealand National, sunday 17 june 2012.

'the transit of venus (study for shortwave 1)', included in AIR/EAR: international soundfield recordings exhibition and installation, curated by Ruben Marino Tolosa, San Justo, Argentina, june - july 2012; programme re-broadcast in radioCona:FIELD broadcast of selected and curated soundfield recordings and sound maps: radioCona FM 88.8 MHz, Ljubljana, 6 – 15 november, 2012.

'construction (for tide and phyllonites)', collaboration with Johnny Chang, included in the RadiaLX2012 festival of radio art, Lisbon, 27-30 june 2012.

ii./ documents & objects : sounds

folding a coastline into a shipwrecked space : unprocessed field recording included on 'somewhere on the edge' v/a compilation (gruen 100), soundscape series by Gruenrekorder, may 2012.

attempt at the non-linearity of a nest 4 : piece included on a quiet position, locale edition (IHab049), for Impulsive Habitat online label, june 2012

waiorua rotations : piece included on v-p v-f is v-n double [field] compilation series, 203; compilation of unprocessed field recordings (wm30) on winds measure, november 2012

iii./ documents & objects : texts

'its position, more than its paths (which have themselves become memory)', poem published in the Otago Daily Times, monday january 28, 2013

iv./ selected commentaries

reflections on the project and its component works by writers and theorists, including Dugal McKinnon & Caleb Kelly, can be read here